Adobe Photoshop Shortcut Keys

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      Adobe Photoshop is a software application used for digital image editing, graphic design, and image manipulation. It was first released by Adobe Systems in 1990 and has become the industry standard for professional graphic designers and photographers.

      Photoshop offers a wide range of features and tools that allow users to create and edit images, including:

      1. Layers: Allows users to work on different parts of an image separately.
      2. Selection tools: Allows users to select specific parts of an image for editing.
      3. Brushes: Allows users to paint or draw on an image.
      4. Filters: Allows users to apply effects to an image, such as blurring or sharpening.
      5. Masks: Allows users to hide or reveal parts of an image.
      6. Text tools: Allows users to add and format text in an image.
      7. 3D tools: Allows users to create and edit 3D objects and scenes.

      Photoshop is available as a subscription-based service through Adobe Creative Cloud, which also includes other Adobe applications such as Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere Pro.


      Photoshop Shortcut Keys

      File Operations

      • New document: Ctrl+N
      • Open: Ctrl+O
      • Open as: Ctrl+Alt+O
      • Save: Ctrl+S
      • Save as: Ctrl+Shift+S
      • Save for Web: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S
      • Close: Ctrl+W
      • Close all: Ctrl+Shift+W
      • Close and go to Bridge: Ctrl+Alt+W
      • Print: Ctrl+P
      • File Info: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I
      • Revert: F12

      Edit Operations

      • Undo: Ctrl+Z
      • Redo: Ctrl+Shift+Z
      • Step backward: Ctrl+Alt+Z
      • Step forward: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Z
      • Cut: Ctrl+X
      • Copy: Ctrl+C
      • Paste: Ctrl+V
      • Paste in place: Ctrl+Shift+V
      • Free transform: Ctrl+T
      • Duplicate: Ctrl+J
      • Select all: Ctrl+A
      • Deselect: Ctrl+D
      • Reselect: Ctrl+Shift+D
      • Inverse selection: Ctrl+Shift+I
      • Fill: Alt+Backspace
      • Fill with background color: Ctrl+Backspace
      • Fill with foreground color: Alt+Backspace
      • Content-aware fill: Shift+F5
      • Content-aware move: J
      • Content-aware scale: Shift+Alt+C
      • Content-aware patch: Shift+Alt+Ctrl+J
      • Puppet warp: Ctrl+Alt+P
      • Transform path: Ctrl+T
      • Transform again: Ctrl+Shift+T

      Layer Operations

      • New layer: Ctrl+Shift+N
      • New layer via copy: Ctrl+J
      • New layer via cut: Ctrl+Shift+J
      • Delete layer: Delete
      • Merge layers: Ctrl+E
      • Merge visible layers: Ctrl+Shift+E
      • Flatten image: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E
      • Duplicate layer: Ctrl+J
      • Bring to front: Ctrl+Shift+]
      • Bring forward: Ctrl+]
      • Send backward: Ctrl+[
      • Send to back: Ctrl+Shift+[
      • Show/hide all layers: Alt+Click on layer eye icon
      • Show/hide one layer: Click on layer eye icon
      • Lock all layers: Ctrl+/
      • Unlock all layers: Ctrl+Alt+/
      • Lock transparent pixels: /
      • Create a clipping mask: Ctrl+Alt+G
      • Remove a clipping mask: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G
      • Group layers: Ctrl+G
      • Ungroup layers: Ctrl+Shift+G
      • Show/hide group contents: Alt+Click on group

      Selection Operations

      • Marquee selection tool: M
      • Lasso selection tool: L
      • Magic wand tool: W
      • Quick selection tool: W
      • Select all: Ctrl+A
      • Deselect: Ctrl+D
      • Inverse selection: Ctrl+Shift+I
      • Feather: Shift+F6
      • Grow selection: Shift+]
      • Shrink selection: Shift+[
      • Transform selection: Ctrl+T
      • Transform again: Ctrl+Shift+T
      • Refine edge: Ctrl+Alt+R

      Brush and Pen Operations

      • Brush tool: B
      • Pencil tool: B
      • Clone stamp tool: S
      • Eraser tool: E
      • Gradient tool: G
      • Paint bucket tool: G
      • Dodge tool: O
      • Burn tool: O
      • Pen tool: P
      • Type tool: T
      • Color replacement tool: B
      • Mixer brush tool: B

      Navigation Operations

      • Hand tool: (shortcut: H) allows you to move around the image. Click and drag the image to move it in any direction.
      • Zoom tool: (shortcut: Z) allows you to zoom in and out of the image. Click once on the image to zoom in, or Alt-click to zoom out. You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out.
      • Fit on Screen: (shortcut: Ctrl+0 or Command+0 on Mac) will adjust the view to fit the entire image on your screen.
      • Actual Pixels: (shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+0 or Command+Option+0 on Mac) will display the image at 100% size, which is the actual size of the image.
      • Zoom In/Zoom Out: (shortcut: Ctrl++ or Ctrl+- on Windows, or Command++ or Command+- on Mac) allow you to quickly zoom in and out of the image.
      • Navigator panel: (Window > Navigator) allows you to zoom in and out of an image and also move around an image by dragging the red box within the panel.


      Here are a few Photoshop tricks you might find useful:

      1. Using layer masks: Layer masks allow you to hide parts of a layer without permanently deleting them. You can use layer masks to blend multiple images together, create unique effects, or make precise selections.
      2. Content-aware fill: Content-aware fill is a feature that allows you to remove unwanted objects from your photos. Simply select the object you want to remove and use the Content-Aware Fill tool to replace it with background pixels that match the surrounding area.
      3. Smart objects: Smart objects are layers that contain image data from raster or vector images, as well as any layer styles, adjustment layers, and filters that have been applied. Using smart objects allows you to make non-destructive edits to your layers and maintain their original quality.
      4. Adjustment layers: Adjustment layers allow you to apply color and tonal adjustments to your images without permanently altering the original pixels. You can use adjustment layers to make global or selective color and tonal adjustments to your images.
      5. Layer styles: Layer styles allow you to add special effects to your layers, such as drop shadows, bevels, and gradients. You can use layer styles to create unique text effects or enhance the appearance of your graphics.
      6. Custom brushes: Photoshop comes with a variety of default brushes, but you can also create your own custom brushes. Custom brushes allow you to add unique textures and patterns to your images, and can be saved and used in future projects.
      7. Blending modes: Blending modes determine how layers interact with each other, allowing you to create interesting effects and blend multiple images together. There are several blending modes to choose from, each with their own unique properties.

      These are just a few examples of the many Photoshop tricks available. With practice and experimentation, you can discover your own favorite techniques and use them to create amazing images.

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